Sunday, January 1, 2023

Merry Yule, year end update

I find it difficult to report unfavorable news. Adding negativity to the world is the opposite of my intent. Nonetheless, I haven't reported on our situation here at Lidster South for some time and that may be more negative at some point than no news. So, we're doing OK but it has been a hard year.

As another year ticks off the calendar it's time to at least get a mass mailing off. We had a low key but pleasant Christmas day. Watched "Hogfather", our Christmas tradition, a movie from author Terry Pratchett's Disc World series. I gave up and ordered a whole case of Quorn roasts. Fixed two turkey style for pur dinner, a quiche for breakfast & a mincemeat pie for dessert. I can't recommend the Quorn enuff as a vegetarian turkey substitute. It is so superior to the usual to turkey it's like comparing roast beef to bologna. Problem is that few know about it so the stores don't carry it. So, I had to order an entire case & now need to figure out how to preserve the rest of them. Its been cold & snowy which helps.

We both caught serious head colds two weeks ago and are on a slow mend. Most of last week was spent in hibernaton.
In brief, this past year has been a ruff one for us. Both of our cats died. Nellie was over fifteen and went blind in June. She just wandered off one night. Noel, the kitten who showed up on our doorstep Christmas day 5 years ago came home sick one evening and died in my arms in April after a day of struggling. I buried him in the back yard & marked the grave with a piece of silver for the fair folk. For myself, the year has seen a decrease in energy level. I tire very easily and there has been a lot of back pain.

On a more positive note we have two new wonderful cats. Nellie & El (named shortened to avoid confusion with "no") were both long hair. Apache is a white Japanese Bob trail with tan markings who became family after El died in April. Lexus was 6 weeks old when we adopted her at the end of August. She's more active, curious, and into everything. My nickname for her is " Princess Pounce". I  think the two cats are one of the main things that keeps me going. They get along well and seem happy.

I feel my own days shortening like the year. This bothers me little as I'm ready for the next big adventure. I'd hoped to see the 1st contact scenario with the galactics I hypothesize but that now seems unlikely. My primary concern is the family, Vincent & the kitties. Hope they're looked after. Don't really expect to have one of these missives next year but who knows.

We are wishing everyone a happy holiday season and best wishes for the new year. One day of joy and love at a time.