Tuesday, July 4, 2023

E Pluribus Unum

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union...

This holiday weekend our country celebrates its two hundred forty seventh birthday. The grand experiment in democracy continues. Yet, the edifice is beginning to show cracks. Demagogues of all political persuasions are attempting to divide us into waring camps. These fractures, particularly those which throw our election process into doubt, threaten our ability to function as a society at the very time we most need some cohesion to face global challenges.

Each of us who served have faced the challenges of working with others of quite different backgrounds than our own and each of us have overcome those challenges. I believe in the Spirit of democracy. I believe that group decisions can be wrong but that we do strive "to form a more perfect union." I believe participation in a functional democracy means each must continue that effort. 

There was a time when I quit voting because the system was flawed. I requested an absentee ballot while I was overseas. The administrative structure of the Army found it was too much trouble and I never got my ballot, so in a childish fit, I quit voting. I see now that I was wrong. I was demanding perfection We human beings don't make perfect institutions. No election is ever likely to be perfect. We've seen what happens in other countries when the citizens failed in their duties to participate. Our democracy is imperfect because we are still in the process of forming a more perfect union. With intractable party politics the democratic spirit of compromise threatening our government, let's take a step away from partisanship.

What can we do to face the challenges of divisiveness? I think the first thing is that we need to stop and listen. 95% of the people I've met want the same thing: to have a peaceful and prosperous life for themselves and their own. What always seems to set people against each other is fear. The shrinks say that fear of loss is more motivating for humans than hope of gain. With so many changes hitting the world fear of loss has become a kind of group paranoia. We can't afford it. When I try to talk to friends with very different politics, I hear what those fears are. I can then reassure them that their fears or unfounded or I can accept their viewpoint and begin to try and figure how the issues they express can be addressed.

 When I first joined the women's veteran group, I was cautioned about expressing political views. I can understand that. I'm a bit strange already and looking for an argument would be pretty stupid on my part.

 Nonetheless, I think we should exercise adult discussion on politics. We've handled differences between us before. Each of us has some sense of service and of duty. I believe it is our duty to talk calmly about our differences. In this way we can continue our service to protect the goal of forming a more perfect union. E Pluribus Unum. One out of many - because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Dear Viet Nam,

It's been many years since we've spoken. I hope you can forgive me. I was wrong. I owe the Buddhist master in the flames a debt. Perhaps, somewhen I can humbly offer my apologies in person. I will not say that my naive ignorance mitigates my error but I can say that I believe I've grown since then. That I was deceived is an explanation, not a justification.

To Screaming Man

I met a man that screamed at things
That none the rest of us could see

So little could I give to him
For all I had was sympathy

I tried to tell him all is well
He barely could respond to me

But for a moment thru his eyes -
A  glimpse to his infinity

A window to another world
This frightening reality

In revelation then I knew
That All depends on point of view
And all the terrors that he gave voice
Had come to him by his own choice.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Iniyat Kahn

Foundational principlesEdit

Ten principles, known as the Ten Sufi Thoughts, enunciate the universal spiritual values that are foundational to Inayat Khan's mystical philosophy.

  1. There is One God, the Eternal, the Only Being; none exists save God.
  2. There is One Master, the Guiding Spirit of all Souls, Who constantly leads followers towards the light.
  3. There is One Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture which can enlighten the reader.
  4. There is One Religion, the unswerving progress in the right direction towards the ideal, which fulfills the life's purpose of every soul.
  5. There is One Law, the law of reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience together with a sense of awakened justice.
  6. There is One Brotherhood and Sisterhood, the human brotherhood and sisterhood, which unites the children of earth indiscriminately in the Parenthood of God.
  7. There is One Moral, the love which springs forth from self-denial, and blooms in deeds of beneficence.
  8. There is One Object of Praise, the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshippers through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.
  9. There is One Truth, the true knowledge of our being, within and without, which is the essence of all wisdom.
  10. There is One Path, the annihilation of the false ego in the real, which raises the mortal to immortality, and in which resides all perfection.[13]

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Merry Yule, year end update

I find it difficult to report unfavorable news. Adding negativity to the world is the opposite of my intent. Nonetheless, I haven't reported on our situation here at Lidster South for some time and that may be more negative at some point than no news. So, we're doing OK but it has been a hard year.

As another year ticks off the calendar it's time to at least get a mass mailing off. We had a low key but pleasant Christmas day. Watched "Hogfather", our Christmas tradition, a movie from author Terry Pratchett's Disc World series. I gave up and ordered a whole case of Quorn roasts. Fixed two turkey style for pur dinner, a quiche for breakfast & a mincemeat pie for dessert. I can't recommend the Quorn enuff as a vegetarian turkey substitute. It is so superior to the usual to turkey it's like comparing roast beef to bologna. Problem is that few know about it so the stores don't carry it. So, I had to order an entire case & now need to figure out how to preserve the rest of them. Its been cold & snowy which helps.

We both caught serious head colds two weeks ago and are on a slow mend. Most of last week was spent in hibernaton.
In brief, this past year has been a ruff one for us. Both of our cats died. Nellie was over fifteen and went blind in June. She just wandered off one night. Noel, the kitten who showed up on our doorstep Christmas day 5 years ago came home sick one evening and died in my arms in April after a day of struggling. I buried him in the back yard & marked the grave with a piece of silver for the fair folk. For myself, the year has seen a decrease in energy level. I tire very easily and there has been a lot of back pain.

On a more positive note we have two new wonderful cats. Nellie & El (named shortened to avoid confusion with "no") were both long hair. Apache is a white Japanese Bob trail with tan markings who became family after El died in April. Lexus was 6 weeks old when we adopted her at the end of August. She's more active, curious, and into everything. My nickname for her is " Princess Pounce". I  think the two cats are one of the main things that keeps me going. They get along well and seem happy.

I feel my own days shortening like the year. This bothers me little as I'm ready for the next big adventure. I'd hoped to see the 1st contact scenario with the galactics I hypothesize but that now seems unlikely. My primary concern is the family, Vincent & the kitties. Hope they're looked after. Don't really expect to have one of these missives next year but who knows.

We are wishing everyone a happy holiday season and best wishes for the new year. One day of joy and love at a time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

REMF Correspondent

As I have discussed elsewhere, I believe that the Russia Ukraine War is indicative of a greater struggle for the mind of humanity leading to a greater awareness on the part if its members . As such I have monitored this situation closely and repeatedly found noteworthy observations that I have not seen reflected in other media. To this end, I'm starting this blog entry to chronicle some of them. 

Conflicting reports are coming out concerning the current situation in the Kherson region.  Both reinforcements from and withdrawals to the western bank of the Dinipro river have been reported. Ukrainian sources have concluded this is arise to draw their forces into a "trap". My conclusions are somewhat different.
Russian units on the  eastern bank are some of their best, including the airborne units that initially assaulted the airport outside Kiev. A number of intercepted phone calls from Russian troops indicate that the troops moving in are " mobics",  untrained, poorly equiped, recently mobilized troops. Meanwhile, interdiction on the Andropov bridge and ferries continue. The bridge itself appears to have been heavily damaged.  This has been the main corridor onto the west bank for Russia for some time but is not adequate for removal of heavy equipment as the pontoon bridge constructed in its (Andropov bridge) shadow can't support a 70+ ton T-62 tank. 
I surmise that the mobics are being moved into Kherson as a "canon fodder" covering force to protect the withdrawal of elite Russian regulars. I doubt that Russia expects to hold Kherson or that it is a trap. It's simply a mechanism for Russia to recover as much of its heavy equipment & as many of its best regular  troops as possible.
It's been reported on multiple sources that Russian troops have moved into neighboring Belarus while at least 100 tanks have been moved from Belarus to Russia. This has raised concerns that Belarus may join the war with an attack on Ukraine's northern border. These apparently contradictory moves seem confusing to western media. I believe that these are strategic political moves with the intent of 1) causing a relocation of Ukrainian troops from frontline area to defend against the possible threat & 2) providing a military force to prop-up Lukashenko's unpopular regime. IMO, an attack along the difficult terrain of the northern Ukrainian border is very unlikely.
"Owner" of the Russian Wagner mercenary group, Pergozhin, has twice complimented the Ukrainians in the last week. He complimented the Ukrainian defense of Bakhmut where his group is taking massive casualties [small strategic but large propognda value].  He also complimented Zelinsky's leadership. This is completely out of line with the official rhetoric that the Ukrainians are "satanists".  I venture that, as Zelensky has stated that he won't deal with Putin, Pergozhin is positioning for a takeover bid in the wake of Putin's failures. Not an improvement as he appears even more rabid.

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Churn

 The Churn

The character Amos in the science fiction series "The Expanse" called it "the churn". In the common vernacular it's "when the shit hits the fan". The American west burns while Florida floods. Chaos reigns in the Ukraine. The specter of nuclear war threatens us again. Friends, it's hit the fan. 

It is my proposal in this article that 
1)the accelerating pace of societal challenges facing humanity is currently at an " inflection point ", a crux, a crossroad in evolution = evolve or die
2)the same problems threatening the human condition are also an impetus to solve them
3)these problems are of a serious enuff nature that they affect everyone on the planet
4)that one of the ways this occurs is thru the (Jungian) collective (sub)conscious
5)that the Ukrainian situation is symptomatic of these types of problems and represents a collective focus
6) that the solution to these problems lies in a shift in the collective conscious
7) that understanding this shift from a scientific viewpoint requires better maps of how the collective consciousness progresses
8) that these two problems of understanding  and bringing about positive shift are entertwined
9) that a good approach to understanding this collective phenomenon is an intuitive approach to fractal graphics which also provides potential for mapping the phenomenon of a more analytical nature
10) that a good approach to bringing  this about is to use our empathy to radiate love on all available channels

Modeling World Consciousness
I've been interested in some time in the flow of consciousness. As some of you know, I've dedicated myself to an eclectic attempt to promote a "quantum leap" in human evolution (process theology). The flow of thought, the stream of consciousness is going over the rapids. Mathematician Rene Thom's  called his model of over the rapids, when a system goes thru an abrupt state change, "Catastrophe Theory". The simplest visualization of this is to double fold a sheet of paper in an "S" shape. Now draw a line over the folded part. When unfolded, the line is broken by a gap. The original path is discontinuous, broken. Think of a river tumbling over a cliff into a frothing pool below. 

Similarly, the war in the Ukraine has broken the peace of our world and our thoughts whirl around it. Jung's collective subconscious is  resonating with a shock to the Ucrainium (pun intended). Everyone's emotions are somewhat frayed even if we are not directly involved in any way. I wager that even those far from any conscious knowledge of the conflict still feel a general foreboding that is related to it. I advise my audiance and myself that this is happening on such a huge scale that we must each be gentle with each other and ourselves so as to observe but not be swept away by these currents. I propose that this turbulence is reflected thru out current human experience in many ways.

As few times before, the sympathy of the entire world is focused on the Ukraine. I think of only thrice in my life when there was a comparable concentration of world wide attention: the Cuban missle crisis, Apollo 11, and Apollo 13 when (I'm convinced) the power of world wide prayer helped bring the crew of astronauts home.    Everyone's emotions are somewhat frayed even if we are not directly involved in any way. I wager that even those far from any conscious knowledge of the conflict still feel a general foreboding that is related to it. 

The way the conflict draws our stream of consciousness, the flow of thoughts, is known as an " attractor " in chaos theory. Strange attractors are patterns within a fractal mathematical object that congregate around a specific point in phase space. I propose that these concepts can best be understood graphically & thru the use  of fractals.

From this point, I can't precisely describe what I'm talking about. I'm letting my intuition guide me. My experience in math tells me that visualizing an abstract space in mathematics is a very intuitive process. If I could pass on anything that I learned from my professors (e.g. Dr. James Modeer) I would point out that the process mathematics has little to do with the equations written down to finalize math insights. I hope you follow along with me in my explorations especially if it seems like anything to do with math might be challenging. I think that's mostly so because the intuitive side is hard to teach.  

I'm beginning by looking up a few definitions in Wolfram Alpha (I highly recommend their app if one needs a technical science reference).

2 | noun | (physics) a point in the ideal multidimensional phase space that is used to describe a system toward which the system tends to evolve regardless of the starting conditions of the system

OK, I grok. An attractor would be like a drain in the bathtub. That's where all the water goes - is attracted. 

phase space
So what's "phase space" ? To convey this idea is going to require an intuitive approach again. Let's temporarily drop the association of "phase" with electromagnetic phenomena and take a more abstract approach. Suppose an object (such as a thought) can take on a group of attributes (values). Then the set, or group, of all of those possibilities as it developes thru time is its phase space. Here examples will be illustrative. Let's consider a phase space of hard candies. It's might consist of values of sweetness, of sourness, of bitterness, and of saltiness. Note that I intentionally chose very abstract dimensions to this space to which numeric values would be difficult to assign though relative sweetness between two pieces of candy, data points in this "flavor space" should be subjectively determinable. So I think I can generalize here to say that a phase space is the space of possible values for the properties of an object.

When I first started working with fractals in the early '90s, it immediately occurred to me that (particularly with respect to color cycling) the diagrams of their phase spaces, such as that of "The Churn" pictured, have a living feel to them. I like very visual explanations, hence "The Churn" picture of a fractal in Ukrainian hues. Note that "The Churn" generates many mini-churns spinning off from it.

 Similarly Benoit Mandelbrot, accredited with having first developed the idea, said that his inspiration came from trying to understand how to mathematically describe the natural (living) processes which gave rise to coastlines. 

Mandelbrot's work had two relevant results:
1) fractals are self-similar on all scales (as above so below for those familiar with Hermetic principles)
2) the best mathematical modeling of these objects involves the use of imaginary numbers

I'm not going to digress further into imaginary numbers here except to briefly note the self-reference in the terminology "imaginary". Hardly coincidence in my opinion. What does need to be briefly addressed is that consciousness itself incorporates these properties. Thinking about thinking (about thinking). When considering consciousness I am often reminded of a small cartoon in George Gamow's (an original proponent of the "big bang theory") 1,2,3 - Infinity  which showed Buddha sitting under the Boddhi tree with a thought bubble (which showed Buddha sitting under the Boddhi tree with a thought bubble (which showed Buddha sitting under the Boddhi tree with a thought bubble (which showed Buddha sitting under the Boddhi tree with a thought bubble ...))). It seems to me that consciousness is fractal ( self referential) in nature. Consciousness is self-referential.

And, in synchronicity with this proposition is that our best models of flow {of thought} are also fractal in nature. The  butterfly effect was discovered by Lorentz [not to be confused with the Lorentz of the famous space/time transformation] when imperceptible fluctuations in the input of a computer model of weather flow generated wildly fluctuating patterns of output.

So, I hope I've given some understandable basis for why I think using fractals can lead to important insights into the flow of human consciousness and why I think the world changing crisis in the Ukraine is important to human consciousness when considering its evolution.

Proceeding with my "artistic" side, the blue and yellow whirlpool in "The Churn" is my envisionment of the flow of earthly consciosness at our current "cusp". A whirling vortex is focused on the Ukraine. This artwork is of a fractal space. A vortex. A turbulent flow.

Vincent just reminded me of a past confluence that illustrates what I mean when I'm referring to the flow of consciousness. It was the sexual revolution of the sixties. While braless love children were celebrating flower power, television was celebrating the wonder bra. This was a marked change from the fifties when the tv and real life couple of Lucille Ball & Desi Arness weren't allowed to share the same bed on camera. The attractor of the sexual revolution was spinning off numerous little concentrations of specific social changes around its center.

Nor is the war itself but the first of the chaotic whirlpools that threaten to engulf us. We already had the first horseman , pestilence from a microscopic burr. Now the horseman of war. Spinning off from the eminent failure of a successful Ukrainian grain harvest is the vortex of eminent starvation. The pattern here is one of the things that adds evidence to the idea I'm proposing the flow of thought is potentially map-able via fractal visualizations. 

More than any of the other immediate global problems we face as a species right now, Ukraine is a focal point. The war there has the greatest implications for humanity for ill and GOOD.

Turbulent Flow Generates  Useable Energy
Here's an ideogramatic representation for decision point, crux, crossroad. It's subject to interpretation, but a Taoist view is that its  composed of danger and opportunity.

As few times before, the sympathy of the entire world is focused on the Ukraine. I think of only thrice in my life when there was a comparable concentration of world wide attention: the Cuban missle crisis, Apollo 11, and Apollo 13 when (I'm convinced) the power of world wide prayer helped bring the crew of astronauts home.  Jung's collective subconscious is  resonating with the shock to the Ucrainium. Everyone's emotions are somewhat frayed even if we are not directly involved in any way. I wager that even those far from any conscious knowledge of the conflict still feel a general foreboding that is related to it. 

Vincent has a dictum that I like a lot: "Apocalyptic visions are dangerous!" This  fine mess Stanley got us into (I'm thinking of the pie fight in "The Great Race" with T. Curtis & J.Lemon) offers hope if not laffs. Yet, this strange attractor of my attention is a cusp that provides an opportunity for human consciousness to 'quantum leap' to a higher stage of evolution

As evidenced by the power Hurricane Ian tearing its way thru the southeastern U.S. right now, this type of turbulent flow can generate huge amounts of energy. I propose that we use the focal point of the Ukraine to generate huge amounts of mental/psychic energy to address the problem of humanity's fragmentation.

"Change possible only at crossroads"
[G.I. Gurdjieff as edited by P.D. Oespenski]
So what's going on? What can be learned from this fine mess? What can I and my readers do?

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff talked about the necessity for [external] "additional shocks" to the psyche to boost its evolution. It is my thesis that the current crisis represents a powerful additional shock to the collective psyche that can be used by each and all of us to advance our personal and collective consciousness. A shock to wake us to Divine possibilities. A shock which will aid us in our contact with galactic civilizations.

I have written elsewhere on why I believe that the emissaries of the galactics are already here (Fermi's Paradox) and why I think I am in telepathic contact with them (a variety of precedents for this operating hypothesis ). I surmise that they are engaged in what author David Brin called uplift. The galactics are interested in us because many flavors of mind are needed to solve galactic problems (such as the collision with the M31 galaxy in Andromeda in a few million years). They recognize the validity of the observer phenomena (ya can't help from cheering when you watch your team) so the moral dictum is that of Hippocrates, first do no harm. Therefore their actions are slow and deliberate. Their influence is thru mechanisms like distributing ideas (mostly unconscious, often in sleep). This form of subtle education is best seen in mass media particularly in fiction.

Alien assistance or not, I cannot but believe (I choose to believe) that our species is on the cusp of a breakthru  to a wiser state of consciousness. A more empathic state of consciousness seems to me necessary if we are to survive our adolescence. My experience tells me that to develops this empathy some sacred sacrifice is necessary. Sacrifice helps teach empathy.  The poet Kahil Gibran said that the house of love has corridors of pain. Neither science nor politics are capable of solving the problems of world wide complexity. They are rooted in a more spiritual realm. Let me be specific here in stating that this has to do people's character and not their religion. I postulate empathy is the first step in bridging the communication gap between souls. Suppose one could consciously feel another's emotions. Suppose one could consciously share another's emotions. Would that not lead to more harmonious relations? Rachel Maddock said the Ukrainian people are teaching us a lesson in bravery. I'll get back to this but I would add a lesson in compassion as well. Recently  the Finnish President was asked in an interview about the hardships the global energy shortage would bring his people. He immediately responded that they were small in comparison with those of the Ukrainian people I honor.

I can not help but feel for the Ukrainian people. I can not help but feel for the Russian soldiers dumped into a senseless war as I once was.  I can not help but feel for the Russian people.  I can not help but feel for Vladimir Putin an ex KGB? spook who grew afraid of his own shadow. (I had thought that Russia would join NATO!) I weep. Baldur was the brightest shining of the Norse gods. Loki contrived to assassinate him. The other gods found Loki out when he was the only one who wouldn't weep. I think those who read this weep with me as well. The churn stirs my compassion. A tear for Baldur. 

With perspective, it may be seen that the events in the Ukraine are helping teach empathy as a step toward better communication. The *galactics tell me that their form of governance is reliant on a profound empathic connection between them. An emotional consensus is reached in a kind of democracy where not only is each individual's opinion is considered but also the passion with which it is felt. We will achieve the same state of resonance. Empathy is the precursor to telepathy.

To achieve that state for the compassionate also requires one to be fearless. The one thing that paralizes empathy is fear. One must sacrifice one's fears to open oneself to the vulnerability of telepathy. Who's thought's are we thinking any way? If our thoughts are not our own, who's are they? The universe is mental is the Hermitic principle. Ultimately all thoughts process from the mind of "god" or at least a higher order of mentation than we can normally access. It is not random chance that Newton and Liebnitz developed forms of calculus simultaneously. Their papers show that Minkowski and Einstein were both exploring similar ideas on the nature of space time prior to the publication of the special theory of relativity. A higher order of thought processes was at work here. To access it these men had to allow them selves a degree of vulnerability. They had to be fearless.

The word awesome is misused these days. Awe used to have a flavor of trepidation. The idea that All ideas are from the Divine ought raise a little trepidation but a little faith overcomes that fear. I've heard that you only need as much as a mustard seed. A mustard seed is smaller than a peppercorn. Even I can manage that much faith.

So, fear not. What's the worst that can happen? Nuclear fireworks? I've  had a vision of dozens of galaxies  self immolate in incredible explosions of celebratory fireworks. Whole civilizations who's deneuma was to provide a work of art rejoicing in that moment of accomplishment. What's to fear? Nothing? Why be afraid of nothing? Let us use that poor, deluded man (reported to have poured over Omar Gaddafhi's degraded demise for hours) as an object lesson. Let us examine our own fears with an end to them.

Oh, and yes. In the end, the churn in the James S. Corey S.F. series yields gateways to other worlds.

Persist in your vision of a more beautiful world.