Wednesday, September 28, 2022

To Russia With Love

KONSTANTIN@INSIDE_RUSSIA author of the excellent YouTube channel 

Dear Constantine, [Tchaikowsky, Boradin, Stravinsky, Chekov, Dostoevsky, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn, Oespensky & Gurdjieff,  Liebow, Tsiolkovsky, Gargarin, & so many other Russians who have brought illumination to my life]

I have been watching your Youtube channel with delighted interest since February. I have concluded that you are very astute in grasping the "big" picture", the overview, by looking at the details. You have mentioned your faith and suggested that the angels ("St. Michael") are coming to assist. I'd like to suggest, as a citizen of humanity, that the big picture includes all of humanity. I have some information for you along that theme. So, I'm getting prompted to make sure this message is passed on by temporary sponsorship of your vlog. 

Let me first introduce myself so that you have an idea that I might have an insight or two. I have a degree in applied math with minors in history & philosophy. My professional career was centered around the computer industry of the 70's & 80's. I worked on software for the North American Air Defense Command as well as highly technical R&D software design for real-time simulation & real time monitoring of sulfur  dioxcide emissions. Some of the ideas I'm going to present are radical so I'm giving you this background to indicate that I have an analytical & thotful approach to my ideas.

It seems clear that the most severe problems facing humanity today are of a global nature and require global cooperation to be solved. It seems quite clear that these problems cannot be solved by current institutions political or scientific (or religious). The objects space ship earth is about to collide with (climate change, depletion of natural resources, famine...) will require an unprecedented planetary cooperation to avoid by instituting a course change. That it can be achieved was shown by the success of  yesterday's DART mission. If you haven't heard, an international mission made a successful deflection of an asteroid as the first step in building a system that will defend Earth from events like the one that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs (& possibly the Tunguska event). It is in that spirit I want to pass on this info. 

As a physics major, scheduling made it easier to get a math degree than physics but the problem of first contact was my chief interest and has remained so. The physicist Fermi [developed 1st working reactor at University of Chicago] asked the question which has come to be known as "Fermi's Paradox". In essence the question is [given the math of the "Drake Equation"] where are they? Modern science indicates that the universe should have many worlds older and wiser than ours. Given the very short time in cosmological terms that humanity took to reach our current state of evolution it would be easy for those other worlds to have visited. Where are they? It is my opinion that Fermi's paradox is quite simple: they're already here. I shall return to this idea shortly.

Returning to the theme of global problems (I'm going to show possible relationship here) my conclusion has been that an elevation of the consciousness of humanities members seems necessary to solve them. Humanity needs to make a quantum leap in wisdom. Currents stir in the global brain connected by the internet that can lead to that leap in human empathy & awareness. My operating hypothesis is that this process is occurring and that it is being assisted by non-human intelligences. 

OK, there it is. I am convinced that Others, be they aliens or angels, are in telepathic contact. Yes, I too think this opinion is a little crazy, at least at first. I'd also like to think I have  sense of humor about my participation. I'm not saying it's a joke or a hoax, just recognizing (with a smile) how outrageous the claim seems.

 I think you have been called to aid in this process. You have consistently shown an understanding of how details lead to a bigger picture and indicated your recognition of the importance of a spiritual underpinning for your posts. My husband and I join in your prayers. So in a spirit of loving harmony. I pass on these thots to you.

1) Continue to the best of your ability to concentrate on the positive possibilities in your situation and that of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples.
2) Remember that the current chaos contains the energy for great changes to the joint good. Those of us praying for the world are a powerful force.
3) Put on the golden armor of love and fear not. Fear is the common enemy. Fear of loss of control is what drove Russia's leader to his current self defeating posture.
4) Prepare for the time when Russia and its people rejoin the world community. You, should you so choose, will have the opportunity to become a great leader of your people. How will you mend the fences with your Ukrainian neighbors & help repair the horrific damages done to both your countries?
5) Never forget that there are those of us all over the world with a broader perspective who support, not the Russian state, but you & the Russian peoples.

On a more personal note hubby & I pray for your joy (to share with others), your rapid reunion with your wife&family (best wishes to Natasha), & the rapid defeat of the Russian troops in the war (so the boys can go home to their families in one piece & help rebuild the mess that's been made).Your current situation reminds me of that faced by Solzhenitsyn and I anticipate an even more rapid resolution for you. Additionally, please let the misinformed older folk my age know that thinking people in the U.S. have no wish for suffering or conquest of anybody else. I had thot that it was likely Russia might actually join NATO at some point in the future. 

 I would welcome more communication on these subjects should you be interested. I'm on Facebook. My blog with essays on some  of thse subjects is It lists (at top) my email address. I have a second blog on matters of faith in relation to making a better world: My attempt at transforming some of the spiritual work to technological tools is on the janimue YouTube channel.

With love & respect,
Janet Norman-Lidster and Vincent Lidster

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