Tuesday, November 8, 2022

REMF Correspondent

As I have discussed elsewhere, I believe that the Russia Ukraine War is indicative of a greater struggle for the mind of humanity leading to a greater awareness on the part if its members . As such I have monitored this situation closely and repeatedly found noteworthy observations that I have not seen reflected in other media. To this end, I'm starting this blog entry to chronicle some of them. 

Conflicting reports are coming out concerning the current situation in the Kherson region.  Both reinforcements from and withdrawals to the western bank of the Dinipro river have been reported. Ukrainian sources have concluded this is arise to draw their forces into a "trap". My conclusions are somewhat different.
Russian units on the  eastern bank are some of their best, including the airborne units that initially assaulted the airport outside Kiev. A number of intercepted phone calls from Russian troops indicate that the troops moving in are " mobics",  untrained, poorly equiped, recently mobilized troops. Meanwhile, interdiction on the Andropov bridge and ferries continue. The bridge itself appears to have been heavily damaged.  This has been the main corridor onto the west bank for Russia for some time but is not adequate for removal of heavy equipment as the pontoon bridge constructed in its (Andropov bridge) shadow can't support a 70+ ton T-62 tank. 
I surmise that the mobics are being moved into Kherson as a "canon fodder" covering force to protect the withdrawal of elite Russian regulars. I doubt that Russia expects to hold Kherson or that it is a trap. It's simply a mechanism for Russia to recover as much of its heavy equipment & as many of its best regular  troops as possible.
It's been reported on multiple sources that Russian troops have moved into neighboring Belarus while at least 100 tanks have been moved from Belarus to Russia. This has raised concerns that Belarus may join the war with an attack on Ukraine's northern border. These apparently contradictory moves seem confusing to western media. I believe that these are strategic political moves with the intent of 1) causing a relocation of Ukrainian troops from frontline area to defend against the possible threat & 2) providing a military force to prop-up Lukashenko's unpopular regime. IMO, an attack along the difficult terrain of the northern Ukrainian border is very unlikely.
"Owner" of the Russian Wagner mercenary group, Pergozhin, has twice complimented the Ukrainians in the last week. He complimented the Ukrainian defense of Bakhmut where his group is taking massive casualties [small strategic but large propognda value].  He also complimented Zelinsky's leadership. This is completely out of line with the official rhetoric that the Ukrainians are "satanists".  I venture that, as Zelensky has stated that he won't deal with Putin, Pergozhin is positioning for a takeover bid in the wake of Putin's failures. Not an improvement as he appears even more rabid.

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