Thursday, January 17, 2013

130117.1 - Unneeded Opinions

G.I. Gurdjieff  called it "the habit of talking". Noise. One wonders if the aliens from 61 Cygnus will show up on our door step soon demanding to know "What is this 'I Love Lucy' crap that is interfering with our communication channels?". As a species we yammer on incessantly without having anything to say (and we need to be more conscious as individuals of allowing ourselves to do so). Nowhere is the noise level any worse than on the internet. The only good thing about it is that it becomes self canceling white noise.

The last thing the internet needs is one more opinion. So, it is with some trepedation that I launch this electronic journal from my Quantum surfboard into the waves of alternate realities surrounding me. It is a thing of ego.

Yet the first principle in The Kybalion ( is that the universe is mind stuff. We think our reality even if only by working towards our personal dreams. And, given that the problems of harmonious interaction between humanity and our planet have become tantamount, perhaps this small pebble dropped into the pool of noise can help harmonize the waves to create greater beauty.

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